Large Putting Green Installation Indoors. Cost effective and authentic.
True Golf training facility in Golden, CO chose the BirdieBall Putting Green system over all other putting green concepts for several reasons. First, because it was an indoor golf practice facility we were a viable option. We do not recommend this type of installation outdoors. Our putting green material can not withstand the constant UV bombardment of the sun over a long period of time. Second, True Golfs' focus is going to be putting. As a result 70% of the facility is dedicated to the short game and putting. Therefore, a true rolling golf ball is required. If you are going to practice something passionately it better be accurate. If not you are just practicing something improperly. What is that going to provide? Problems. Third, we are the most cost effective process. The installed cost of the putting green for True Golf in Golden, CO, was $3.47 a square foot fully trimmed and professionally installed. If True Golf had installed themselves, total cost per square foot would have been $2.31. This is about 1/5th the cost of a synthetic turf putting green. So what is the catch? If you have a clientele that can treat the BirdieBall putting surface like an authentic putting green the BirdieBall putting green will last indefinitely. However, if you chip off of it, twist golf spikes on it, allow high heels on it, it will not last. The advantage of a synthetic putting green is singular. It is durable. It is not at all authentic, but it is durable. Natural grass putting greens, like BirdieBall Putting Greens need to used in the manner for which they were designed. Both the BirdieBall Putting Green and the natural grass putting green are made to be true rolling. Keep in mind, if they react like a natural putting green, they are more like a natural putting green.